
Ensuring the safety and well-being of children in our community. OLFS’s Protection programs are designed to safeguard children from harm and provide a secure environment for their development. Our dedicated team of professionals works diligently to respond to concerns, conduct thorough investigations, and offer ongoing support to families in need. Through our foster care system and family service workers, we strive to create stable and nurturing homes for all children.


Providing early intervention and support to strengthen families. OLFS’s Prevention programs aim to address issues before they escalate, fostering resilience and stability within families. We offer a range of services, including the Parent/Mentor Program, Triple P – Positive Parenting Program, and targeted support groups, to empower parents and caregivers with the skills they need to create positive home environments. Our proactive approach helps prevent family breakdown and promotes the well-being of children and their families.


Assisting youth as they transition to independent adulthood. OLFS’s Post-Majority programs are dedicated to supporting youth who are aging out of the child welfare system. We provide essential resources and guidance to help them navigate this critical period and achieve independence. Our services include independent living support, education and employment training, and ongoing support to ensure that these young adults have the tools and opportunities they need to succeed.